Fingernails scraping down a blackboard, the scream of a baby, a mobile phone ringtone: whats the worst sound in the world? It may sound like

Trevor Cox

University of Salford

January 3rd 2006 - March 3rd 2006

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Jayne Gackenbach

Grant MacEwan College

November 21st 2005 - January 21st 2006

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This survey aims to find out more about the consumers attitudes and needs concerning downloading and information services on the internet.

Ian Pascal Volz

University of Frankfurt, Germany

August 30th 2005 - October 30th 2005

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The purpose of this questionnaire is to test several variables that influence and are influenced by attitudes towards a web site. All results are confidential and

Yani Ong

University of Surabaya, Indonesia

October 10th 2004 - December 10th 2004

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Die Studie versucht Informationen darüber zu erhalten, wie und wofür Studierende während Ihres Studiums den Computer und das Internet nutzen, welche E-Learning Angebote als sinnvoll

Peter Schmutz

Fakultät für Psychologie Uni Basel

September 18th 2004 - November 18th 2004

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Standen Sie auch schon vor der Entscheidung, ob Sie ein Medikament mit speziellen Nebenwirkungen gegen eine schwere Krankheit wie z.B. Malaria einnehmen möchten, oder lieber

Rahel Clemenz

Universität Fribourg, Schweiz

May 6th 2004 - July 6th 2004

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Steffen Lindner, Sven Tuchscheerer

February 23rd 2004 - April 23rd 2004

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Stanford has received a grant to study the quality of data collected on the Internet. To do that, they need people with ANY chronic disease

Kate Lorig

Stanford University

December 8th 2003 - February 8th 2004

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Kann das Landschaftsbild, das sich aus der Gesamtheit der sinnlichen Eindrücke der Landschaft sowie personenspezifischen, subjektiven Größen (Erinnertes, Erfahrenes, Erwartetes) zusammensetzt, über das Internet erfasst

Michael Roth

TU Berlin, Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung

November 11th 2003 - January 11th 2004

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This is an online version of the SART vigilance task, it is designed to test the validity of Web-based testing. It was designed using Flash

Nick Forbes

Goldsmiths College (University of London)

August 5th 2003 - October 5th 2003

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